Asset Protection

A holistic task

If your assets are safe and secure, you can have greater confidence about freely determining your own future. Only too often, however, the privilege of wealth can provoke covetousness in others.

Our asset protection is designed to prevent unwanted access to your assets –be it as a result of professional liability risk, political whim, criminal activity or something else. Our asset protection concepts are designed to give you the opportunity to live your life as you want to, confident in the knowledge that your wealth is in safe hands.


Owner or beneficiary?

Provided all the parameters are clearly defined in advance, it may be useful to transfer wealth that you own directly into a special structure, such as a Liechtenstein foundation or trust. Rather than being the owner, you become the beneficiary of this wealth, and so continue to benefit from it; but since you no longer have direct access to the assets, you can no longer be put under pressure to relinquish them.


Fiduciary Administration

The security provided by professional wealth management

The job of protecting and growing your wealth is then delegated to professional trustees. Their activities are clearly regulated. They define the legal parameters of the selected structure, and they draw up the rules, often called the articles of association, that set out in detail how the assets must be handled.

The effects of such an arrangement can often extend down the generations, so the structuring of the assets has to be integrated into a comprehensive wealth management strategy. This requires comprehensive legal knowledge and many years of experience. It also requires a holistic approach that encompasses all the different asset classes, all your values and, in short, everything else that lies close to your heart.

Learn more about the opportunities presented by the wealth planning process.

Protection through structures

The right tools can open up new horizons for your wealth

As Liechtenstein and Swiss trustees, we have a comprehensive set of tools for structuring your wealth. The aim is always to achieve your long-term financial, personal and family goals in the most reliable way possible. But you can also use sustainable structures to attain other objectives. They can, for example, serve as an effective vehicle for a long-term philanthropic commitment. And entrepreneurs can house riskier investments in a structure in order to protect their other assets should things go wrong.

Find out more about what asset structures can offer.

Keep an overview

Security through control

Structuring can often lead to such complex arrangements that the wealth owners themselves find things hard to follow. This can be particularly problematic when it comes to wealth preservation: you can only protect assets properly if you know what, and exactly how much, needs protecting.

This is why, when we developed our reporting and controlling service, we focused very hard on providing robust, comprehensive, but also easily understandable reports. We consolidate the most complex structures, encompassing conventional assets as well as real estate, art or other valuable items, and monitor their performance.

Bring certainty and transparency to your wealth structures.

Get in touch

Contact us for personal advice and solutions tailored to your needs for your portfolio.